This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I'm drunk and it is 2006 (and 33 mintues)

[this is what I wrote in the first hour of 2006 under the influence of a bottle of Moet]


I'm sitting at the keyboard wishing I could remember what I just wrote out in my head but I've had too much champagne...

I'm thinking about that silly cow in downtown Philadelphia, PA, (the city of brotherly love, don't you know)...

And what's she doing right now, four and a half hours away from 2006, I don't wonder?

I don't even know if my dearly expensive husband is still shagging her (from time to time, when she's accumulated enough airmiles to fly him over or found an job-related excuse to fly over here).

I do wonder, sweetheart, how you sold him to your friends. Did you pitch this thing between you as a bit of rough, a bit of euro-total-trash, you'd picked up during your student days and decided to use as a filler between husbands? How did you explain, then, the public school education and the plummy accent?

Did you pitch him as your friends as some heroic victim of a domestic nightmare?

Yes, I think that's what you did (remember I have copies of the emails you exchanged). But how did you, in your mind, square this with the fact that he never, ever, had any money. What was I doing with what he was earning? What was I doing while he was out earning?

By the way, I DO have copies of the emails you exchanged. Perhaps not all of them, but enough to have some idea, so be honest now.

You see, what really pisses me off is that I spent all those years hoping and praying that he'd find a better bet to latch onto and he'd bugger of and be her parasite and leave me in peace. But what is real life? Real life is me breaking myself to build a stellar career while he indulges in a part-time, long-distance affair with some dumb blonde from Philly who thinks he cares. He cares?

Did he ever, I mean ever put himself out from you except to provide sperm for the IVF treatment you underwent? Wow, that must have been something. Is that what a green card is worth these days

[he came in at this point and I didn't look at the post again until this morning, unedited except for the inevitable typos (S)]


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