This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Just have to mention this ...

The internet ... she is a wonderful thing.

Following this afternoon's series of posts I had a couple of new factoids nestling down comfortably in the back of my mind to be retrieved as necessary.

Having had our meal of cold cuts and cleaned up afterwards, plus gotten a couple of glasses of Fitou inside me I decided to do something I haven't done for a very long time - stick her name in a search engine or two and see what pops up.

Seems grandma may have died back in late July of last year

Also seems that there may after all really be a connection to Abbott ... that did take me by surprise; only my subconscious had really thought that the Abbott Associates-hosted visitor from Lansdale, Pennsylvania might actually be anything other than a coincidence.

But my search turned up an article in which she (you?) were interviewed along with a couple of other senior practitioners in your field for an article on career-building in your particular profession which was published in the trade journal for you people back in March of 2003. A great deal of emphasis was placed in the article, particularly by you, on the importance of networking.

And one of the other two interviewed had formerly worked for a corporation or other entity called Abbott; just Abbott so one can assume that the name is sufficiently familiar within your particular circle not to warrant expansion.

Know someone who currently works at Abbott, dear? Got them looking at this dear? Got you wondering, sweetheart?

Sleep tight, don't let those bed bugs he left behind bite ... least not until you invite them to.


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