This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What we did

First of all we went to the midnight carol service at the church at top of the hill... it was the first time we'd been in to a service and it left me with mixed feelings. Even before we got there things went slightly awry. First of all the Fat Bastard mentioned it to his best mate, who mentioned it to his wife who decided she'd quite like to go along... The BM had thought if his wife went with me and B the Fat Bastard would be off the hook and free to go to the pub... instead we all ended up shoulder to shoulder in the pews and at the altar rail.

It was a long night for B who collapsed almost as soon as we got in then didn't wake up until almost 9 next morning. By that time we'd got the presents around the tree and mummy was beginning to recover from her Brandy-fuelled hangover.

Because the ham had been cooked for us by his mother (and no cloves, not the best ham I've ever had) we managed to keep everything on schedule and the only real slip was overcooking the roasted spuds.

The dining area looked reasonably presentable we sat down about when we'd planned, evaded Her Maj. and got in a round of Mah Jongg before it was time to sit down and watch the Christmas special Dr Who which was most excellent.

We even managed to keep on top of the dishes so I was quite relaxed going to bed.

I don't think that B was thrilled with the presents she received... very few toys, mostly things to do or make. Too bad. Hopefully things will get better for us this year. Now that I'm in paid employment I'm encouraged that we can turn things around and that some time during this year I can ship him out.

Is Philadelphia tuned in today? Do you hear this? I'm still planning to ship him out; yes, still planning to ship him out. Get it? Are you sitting there thinking of me as the miserable and inadequate little woman, woefully failing to match up to the requirements of being the wife, the life partner of this man, your man? If he's your man why is he camped under my roof, eating at my table, making my bathroom squalid?

Do you see me clinging to him, desperate not to be left alone? Get your head out of the bucket of swill and add things up again, sweetheart. You might find yourself remembering that old warning to be careful what you wish for lest you receive it.


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