This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Monday, December 11, 2006

you don't want to do that ....

what seems like months ago I managed to crush my right hand in the school gate during the first truly wintery cold morning of the year ... several broken bones are healing and the worst of the scaffolding is off. It isn't yet clear how completely my hand will recover. I'm having to peck at the keyboard with my left hand and (very cautiously) with the undex finger of my right. Damn.

No long posts for the time being.

Apologies for the break in transmission. May post gruesmone pictures, of bloated yellowed hand sans nails in due course.


  • At 6:30 pm, Blogger Lily said…

    Yay! Can't wait for the gruesome pics but glad you're still in the land of the living x x

  • At 9:58 pm, Blogger Michelle said…

    So pleased to see you back.

  • At 10:25 pm, Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said…



    I've been worried :)

    And I'm so sorry you hurt yourself. At least it wasn't the horrible bad things my brain was coming up with.

    Welcome back :)


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