I don't like rugby league for a host of reasons but mostly because smug bastards from Sydney and stupid people from the Deep North do.
And sometimes, like this weekend, because they're good for a hearty snigger.
* what follows is an extracted from a match report:
Or if you don't rate the B(ritish)BC's version then try this from an Australian media outlet:Up until that point GB had dominated a brutal opening phase of the match that saw Australian forward Mason floor Stuart Fielden with an early punch.
Mason escaped with a telling-off from referee Ashley Klein and then, with 10 minutes gone, led with the elbow in a very late challenge on Long after the GB half-back had kicked the ball.
Again Mason, who had now been guilty of two incidents of serious foul play, remained on the field.
Australia last night lost to Great Britain here for the first time since 1992. In a match that started in drizzling rain, and was remarkable for forward Adrian Morley surviving a game without being put on report for almost knocking someone's head off, the visitors conjured up a massive boilover, 23-12, to throw the series open.
At 10:09 pm,
Lily said…
Just checking in to say hope you're having fun and that's the reason for the recent silence, not that life's so grim you can't bring yourself to post x
At 7:40 am,
mylifeatfullspeed said…
I am also hoping the same.
I'm checking for words of wisdom from you daily...starting to get concerned now.
At 10:14 pm,
mylifeatfullspeed said…
It's been 11 days now...
If you were on your own I would think you were just busy I'd not be worried. It's that fat bastard factoring in that worries me.
I hope you've won the lottery, grabbed the munchkin and are on a beach somewhere with a group of hunks fighting to oil your back.
At 1:35 am,
Michelle said…
I am also wondering where you are.
I am one of those stupid people from the Deep North and I am even willing to overlook the harsh criticism of my favourite game of football because I miss you.
At 11:51 pm,
Lily said…
Now look, this absolutely will not do. You have a duty to communicate to those who rely on reading about your travails to feel better about their sh***y little lives. Should I asterisk that out? Yes, I will, cos I'm a laydee. I'm also rather squiffy.
At 4:14 am,
mylifeatfullspeed said…
Where, oh WHERE, has our Enyo gone???
I miss you!!!
At 7:32 pm,
Lily said…
Has anybody checked under the patio?
At 11:09 pm,
mylifeatfullspeed said…
This is really most disturbing. I do hope that everything is alright and her life has gotten so wonderful that she totally forgot to keep us updated.
As much as I'd like to believe that, I'm still really worried about her.
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