This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bah Humbug Number One

The opening salvos have been fired ahead of the first skermishes of what promises to be the usual War of Attrition. He's already limbering up for the usual excessive drinking, eating and throwing money away on various things utterly useless.

I'm already tensing up in anticipation. This being November it is card writing season, particularly for those abroad. Of the remainder most are within walking distance.

I love doing Christmas cards. I have a lengthy list of people who, for one reason or another I don't have a great deal to do with from one year to another but who never the less occupy a small but nevertheless enduring place in my heart and memory.

I'd also go to church: I put my lacadaisical attitude towards formal observance down to having been raised with such a mixed heritage to draw on, and so much of it conflict-strewen. I'm prone to likening myself to a kid at the sweet counter not sure which sugar and E-number confection to pick. In truth this reflects a characteristic in me also to be observed when I drive into an empty car park and drive about for a good five minutes before deciding where to park.


I'd also go to church but that would only open up a can of worms so it's a jolly good thing winter has finally and very belatedly turned up. The past week has been a shocking, er, shock to the system (the central heating system, that is) which has had to go to work. Now it looks like snow, though we're too low-lying and southerly to be in for it yet. Anyhow with a bit of luck it will be bitterly cold and I can use that as an excuse to avoid traipsing up the hill.

Last year we went with friends (the same friends we went camping with). I've only just remembered that. Perhaps there won't be conflict and we'll just fall in with them (they'll take their 11-seater so we can get a lift).

And I've again managed to get out of working on Christmas Eve.

So why the Bah Humbug?

Well, I'm already coming under pressure to spend money I don't have. I'm already coming under pressure to consume alcohol I don't particularly wish to drink. I'm already coming under pressure to cook mountains of food we've no serious prospect of consuming. I'm already coming under pressure to purchase and accommodate piles of Stuff! that he has to have, though within day he'll be bored with it and within a week it will either be lost or damaged.

Bah! indeed.


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