This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Oh, there were a couple of other things

First of all, he lied. He does it all the time, admittedly, but this was special lying because he gave me a lie I passed on to other people which I then forced him to contradict before those same other people. So they've got his measure more accurately, which is some compensation for what he's put me through since Wednesday.

Secondly his occasional fascinating tendency to display psycopathic behaviour* re-emerged: his apology was all about how he "hadn't thought", and he "hadn't meant to get me into trouble" ... for real awareness he'd have to have displayed some consciousness of the reason why what he did could have got me "into trouble".

He humiliated a whole lot of other, perfectly innocent people. He hasn't said a word about them. He's oblivious to their suffering, all but oblivious to their existence. For him they're agents, pawns; nothing more.

This isn't any consolation at all, really.

*I'm sure I did a post on this but months and months ago. Years ago he gleefully produced one of those Is Your Boss a Psycopath-type questionnaires. For him, the point was that he could tick off so many indicators for his own boss; for me the increasingly compelling point to emerge as he worked down the list was actually how many indicators I could tick off for him. One of the indicators is around self-awareness. Another is around empathy.


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