This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Behaviour unbecoming

I know, I know. I'm a fifty foot tall Greek .... (blah blah) and this is thoroughly undignified.

WE are now the proud owners of a cat. That is to say the Fat Bastard and B have been over to the vet and collected Monty on whose behalf I have forked out what for us is a small fortune.

When I spoke with the vet this morning he was much happier with Monty's condition - no sign of respiratory distress suggesting that he had not after all torn his diaphragm. That in turn meant a less onerous recuperation. Freedom to roam the house, though he will have to be kept indoors until the stitches are out.

One stumbling block to us taking him back, and it is still a problem is that we are travelling en famille; this coming weekend is a long (Bank Holiday) weekend here in England. We're leaving on Friday morning early and getting back late Monday. The stitches don't come out until Tuesday (tomorrow week). Someone's going to have to care for Monty while we're away and that includes dispensing the antibiotics and painkillers. I must say though that he's not been at all difficult about the tablets much unlike our old two; who hissed and scratched and spat at the first sign of medication of any kind.

I've a couple of options, but the one I don't like is keeping him here cooped up in the house and having neighbours come in. For one thing he's going to tear the house to shreds left here on his own for three and a half days. In fact I'd be astonished if he didn't find a way out, even if one involving excavation, a wooden horse and all the usual WWII escape committee paraphernalia.

I'm hoping that we can dump him with Tony and Mark but I haven't yet asked them...

On Tuesday he has to go back to the Vet for another xray to check his chest and to have the stitches taken out.

The saga of the IND form continues. Now I can't find the Fat Bastard's passport and I need to include that with the set of documents we have to submit.

Tonight he (The Fat Bastard) closed his window to shut off that avenue and managed to break the pane of glass. Right now that's covered over with cardboard. When we get back I'm going to have to stick my hand in my pocket and get that fixed.

His mother's got to go back for a second colonoscopy for some reason or another and she's not reacted well to that news.

At the moment there seems to be no end to the amount of strife and I'm beginning to feel just a tad stressed ... I can't help thinking that a fifty foot tall Greek Goddess in a bad mood would be dangerous company.

I've just found Saturday night's lottery ticket - don't fancy my chances this week!

POST SCRIPT: Now I've checked the ticket; not a penny. Oh well. Thanks to 'Me' at My Life at Full Speed I've been reminded of another completely crappy development today, though it turned out ok in the end. Gas and Electrickery are supplied by the same company who sent me a statement about a month ago. We're substantially in credit on the 'trickery side but seriously not in credit on the gas side. So I asked for a new Direct Debit arrangemetnt and the stupid woman on the other end said she'd send me a new form to sign. Fine. The matter slipped my mind for a week or so but when I remembered I phoned back and asked them to send me a second copy (the first having it seems been sent but gone astray in the post).

That turned up finally on Thursday and I sent it back on Friday. So I was a bit surprised to get a threatening letter demanding the immediate payment of £506 pounds in arrears. After initially fraught conversation I was able to sort the whole bloody fiasco out by altering the direct debit over the phone. Why that couldn't have been done in the first place is a mystery I can't be arsed to attempt to solve.


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