This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Serial posting

Astute / regular readers will have noticed that I've not posted about the hole in my back garden recently. This is because it is still a hole in my garden, with a pool frame and liner in it that now contains, in addition to 6" of (stagnant) water, quite a collection of leaves, twigs and dead insects. Ughh.

For fans of serial posting the Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate steps into the breach in timely fashion.

I have to get an application for Further Leave to Remain in and accepted by said directorate by 10 September at latest. The directorate won't accept applications submitted more than 28 days in advance of the cut off date. Once they've accepted my application and given it the once over to make sure it is complete and on the correct form they'll send me a letter (theoretically within a week) confirming acceptance of my application and that my existing Visa will then remain in force while a decision is made on my new application. My current employment contract ends on 10 September because that's the last date, as things currently stand, I can legally live and work in the UK.

Fine. Last week one of their simpletons was advising me to use Form X to make my application for permission to stay on in the UK. I laboured to complete the form, puzzled because so much of it seemed so irrelevant to my circumstances. On Monday of this week I took it upon myself to call HOIND to confirm one last time that I was using the correct form and the simpleton on the other end of the line said first Yes, then No, then Maybe, then Let Me Check With My Supervisor.

The Supervisor to my not very great surprise said NO I should be using Form Y. Could I have a couple of copies of Form Y sent to me then, please.

Yes. No problem.

Yes, Problem. After waiting days, and days, the letter from HOIND finally arrived yesterday. And guess what? The HOIND simpletons have sent me Form Z. Which is as much use to me as Form X.

These people fuck around with other people's lives with a casual insouciance (if that isn't tautological) that takes my breathe away. The Fat Bastard could take lessons from these people.


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