This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

More confusion

No work for me yesterday so after a lazy morning catching up here and about the house and lunch B and I went out to the park with football. Due to a combination of circumstances (inappropriate footwear, short attention span, lack of willingness to knuckle down) that didn't last long. B is of the 'if at first you don't succeed, then wail about how hopeless you are and try something different' school. It doesn't matter how often I've suggested that she give something a little time, she can't get the hang of practising.

We went off on a bug hunt but the day was quite overcast and with quite a stiff breeze coming off the river also quite cool. We found a cluster of ladybirds and a shieldbug and spotted a couple of butterflies at a distance.

By this time B was also fed up with carting her football about so we went home to drop it off. She wanted to go to the playground and play on the swings and climbing frame. The Fat Bastard was back from work by this time and we explained that we were on our way back to the park via the library where we'd renew her library book which she'd taken out as part of this summer's Reading Challenge.

We didn't mean to stay at the library, but B got her nose into a book and I got my nose into a book. B finished her book and took out another one ... and before we knew where we were it was half past six and she'd read and reviewed enough books to complete the summer reading challenge.

She was feeling pretty smug about this all the way home; I was feeling a little puzzled that he hadn't swung by to dig us out of the library but not particularly alarmed. My mobile phone, which I'd left behind, was going off like crazy with missed calls and messages. The grumpy sod wanted to know where we where and clearly wasn't in the mood to be entertained that we'd spent the afternoon tucked away in the library.

This is the same Fat Bastard who could happily spend his life in the library, rarely answers his phone even when he has it with him and has never bothered in all the time of our marriage to take the trouble to keep me informed of his whereabouts and plans.

But if there's one thing the Fat Bastard doesn't believe it's that 'what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander'. That I can live with. Casting a pall over his daughter's natural jubilation that she's completed the Reading Challenge is quite another matter and what really pissed me off with yesterday evening's performance. He hauled himself out of his sullen mood long enough to join us at the dining table, then went outside for a fag and to call his mother.

The previous evening he'd announced late that his mother had been to see a specialist about suspected colon cancer and had a tissue sample removed for biopsy. I guess he must have forgotten what he'd told me because last night, again, he told me that she'd had the sample removed in the afternoon after enduring a barium meal the previous evening.

So now I'm confused as well as pissed off. Anyone want a confused and pissed off fifty foot Greek Goddess?


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