This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Yesterday in some peace and quiet amidst the chaos of school holidays I managed to put together a piece about a couple of things that have got me steamed up in the last couple of days ... and then my internet connection fell over and the ensuing fuss the text evaporated.

So that's another thing to get steamed up about.

The preamble to what I wrote was the good news that my bank balance is in the black (and the bad news that I admitted this to the Fat Bastard - who will no doubt use this as an excuse to evade is financial responsibilities).

This is good news in absolute terms but also in the context of problems that are emerging at work. The woman who had overall responsibility for cash management below the GM is on maternity leave. She's been away for a month and already things have gone to hell in a hand cart. The woman who has assumed many if not all the leaver's responsibilities is probably too stupid to commit fraud but that might not save us from having to call in the auditors.

Being solvent will probably save me from the kind of scrutiny I suspect I'd otherwise be subjected to.

On the work front I finally learned from a colleague that the Fat Bastard's Other Woman actually has called quite a number of times in the past (see this account of that telephone call in early March). Initially I didn't think to much of it but the more time that's passed the more clear its become just how awful he behaved towards both of us and how strong an example this is of what is wrong with him.

He knew or should have known that I'd intercept a telephone call from her sooner or later. He should have either warned me, or preferably told her to stop distracting him with personal telephone calls to the office. But he didn't warn me and he didn't warn her off.

Further more the implications of these regular-ish telephone calls from a woman known not to be his wife were well understood so I'm back fighting against him humiliating me and wondering what else he's been getting up to.

The thing I didn't want was to be left looking stupid, unwanted, discarded, traded in or some combination of these and all the other things a betrayed wife feels even if she doesn't actually feel 'betrayed'. Now I'm back wondering quite how much everyone else knew and what prism they view me through as a result. And I'm back wondering what everyone else knows that I don't yet know.

Last night we had him sulking because I asked him not to abandon his bottle of cider in the middle of kitchen bench, rather to walk a couple paces down the kitchen and put it in the cabinet with the other drink bottles. I have a whole house of these little battle fields to negotiate and a long weekend trapped in the battle zone.

I can't wait for Easter to be over and we're only at Good Friday.


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