This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Monday, April 10, 2006


Reference the previous post, one of the ironies we are confronted by each summer is that this green and pleasant land is prone to suffer water shortages each summer.

This is to do not with the amount of rain that falls (the case back home) but with the lack of suitable ground in which to store this rainfall pending human use... the wrong type of ground or something.

This year the water companies have got their retaliation for habitual domestic profligacy in first, whether or not as a diversion taking our attention away from their inadequate management and maintenance of their own infrastructure. We have hose pipe bans in several areas of the south of the country where the problem of water shortages is particularly acute.

We're also being exhorted to turn of taps, fix drips, low flush when practicable etc. My own particular favourite is showering with a friend; sadly I haven't anyone at hand (as it were) with whom I'd enjoy sharing a shower, but I have a little list of people I'd welcome offers from. Sadly no one on the list is likely to call this summer, or the next, or the one after and so forth. I digress.

In light of the bombardment to which we've been subjected in recent weeks as winter has given way to a rather tentative spring it is particularly sad that this man has wandered off to work this morning after his moment of multi-tasking leaving the cold water tap running full.

Some people just don't get the message.


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