This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Amphigoric is a little treasure

The task of scouring the dictionary - any dictionary, for the purpose of accumulating a collection of adjectives and nouns to be applied to and used in lieu of Fat Bastard has turned out to be less amusing and gratifying than I had anticipated.

For one thing it is hard work sifting the suitable words from the commonplace, the technical and the archaic. I have very limited intellectual curiosity in the field of botany and the technical terms for the sexual parts of plants don't light my fire.

On the other hand the exercise has introduced me to some delights, not always found within the covers of my little favourite - The Superior Person's Book of Words.

For instance, this morning I stumbled across: amphigory.

Amphigory is defined in my copy of Webster's as "a meaningless rigmarole; a nonsensical parody"; giving us also amphigoric, defined as "of, relating to, or consisting of amphigory; absurd; nonsensical". Now this word I like and will endeavour to add to my vocabulary. I feel confident it is a word I could apply to a thousand circumstances in my workaday life.


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