This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Monday, April 17, 2006

So now he's broke

It has started. No sooner do I admit to being in the black than he's 'borrowing' money.

Let me be clear here: in the years that have passed since our wedding in October 1993 he has 'borrowed' money from me more times than I can remember while the number of times he's ever repaid the money he's borrowed is clear as a bell in my mind. Can you guess.

Probably there will be people out there who will regard 'borrowing' within a marriage between the two contracting partners to that marriage as a technical impossibility. These are probably the same people who regard rape within marriage as impossible.

FFS. He drinks, smokes, buys extravagantly at easter/birthday, runs out of money and then when his lack of budgeting has led to empty pockets he takes from the individual who has made sure the money stretched from one pay packet to the next ... if what I earn is his and what he earns is mine then once again he's taken from 'our' savings for current (booze and fags) expenditure and without consultation.

If he can't make his money go the distance he should go out and get a job that pays better.


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