This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A strange day at the office..

After however many weeks it is of supervising the checkout operators today was the day when I was trained in being a checkout operator...

I got there in time for a 9:00 start and went straight into it. Happily the woman training me who I've always got on well with was more than happy to step aside and oversee rather than have me standing around like a wally trying to take in what she was doing. Thank you Sue.

So about 15 minutes later I've done it all ... except for cheque transactions which come through rarely these days and saving stamps sales which rarely happen in December, when most people are redeeming them.

Within an hour Sue is on her own checkout, nearby (within shouting distance) and we plough on through to lunch at which time we scamper in separate directions for an hour. After lunch we spend some more time on separate checkouts until the tea breaks. After our break we're round in the kiosk where I have to grapple with (a) the lottery machine and scratch cards and (b) spotty kiddies trying to purchase tobacco and related products.

Not quite worst of all is that I have to stand the whole time, in the Wrong Shoes. I cannot say that I felt I'd mastered the full range of kiosk work when 17:00 came around and the Cherry Blossom herself arrived to take over. I stayed on for half an hour which might have been a mistake since we spent most of that time unlearning what I'd been taught and relearning things The Cherry Way.

Half an hour more and it was time for me to flee.

I got home in time to find out that the FB had picked up the offspring, dumped her upstairs in her room with some books and sat down to watch Thin Red Line which he declares a Top Film. He'd done nothing about a meal for us, because he wouldn't be eating in. He finally fucked off around 20:00, leaving us in peace. Thanks for something! That's me, I'm knackered. I think I'll go off to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow and do some ironing, because I'm working tomorrow from 9:00 through 17:00


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