This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Today's word, and I also like

Today's word:

abject, ab'jekt, a. [L. abjectus, from abjicio, to throw away - ab, and jacio, to throw.] Sunk to a low condition; worthless, mean, despicable; low, groveling.

Yes, that will do for a start.


I also liked:

abatis which is from french and is the term for "a collection of felled trees, from which the smaller branches have been cut off, and which are laid side by side, with the branched ends toward assailants, forming an obstruction to their progress.

abduce which is from latin and means 'to draw or conduct away' and gives us also abducent which means drawing away or pulling back and is used in physiology as applied to certain muscles which pull back certain parts of the body from the mesial line. [And if I find mesial when I get that far through the dictionary I shall let you know ;-) .]

and also ablacate and ablaut and abluent.


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