This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Oh, and

It is a bit pedestrian, I know, but it's my job.

One of my responsibilities is customer relations. I have to deal with the customer complaints whether it is a question of a serious product fault or customer stupidity.

Very, very occasionally we sell something that for one reason or another we should not have sold. This is almost inevitably the consequence of the excessive packaging which surrounds everything we sell; it leaves us unable to verify the 'saleability' of the goods we flog.

More often I'm dealing with a nitwit like the woman who bought a nutmeg grater then nearly took the flesh off one side of one of her fingers trying to grate cheese with it. By her own admission she bought it because it was cheaper than the other sort of grater we sell (that would be the CHEESE grater) but she still wanted her money back because in her opinion the item was not fit for purpose since it said 'Grater' on the label, but did not carry "not to be used to grate cheese" as a product warning. We gave the poor lamb her money back with a smile. She needs it more than we do.

Today I had to deal with Sour-faced Desiccated Middle Aged Trout and her Overripe Tomatoes. Well what the fuck do you expect when you buy tomatoes in the UK in April? Fresh? Grow them yourself in a greenhouse woman.

Throughout my ordeal by overripe tomatoes I kept up my sunniest "its a pleasure to be taking on responsibility for solving your problem and making your day a little better" attitude. Did the granite faced cow look any happier by the end? Fat chance. I asked her for a penny so I could give her £2 (in two shiny gold coloured coins) rather than £1.99 (in £1, 50p, 20p, 20p, 5p, 2p, 2p), and she responded with "so I have to give you a penny" as if I was charging her for the refund.

Yeah lady, we're that petty and I've got nothing better to do with my time.

The troll wouldn't accept the offer of a replacement pack because she's going to 'get them elsewhere in future', and I hope she chokes on them.

There's a long follow up to this about the pernicious influence of on-going battles in that great British institution the Class War, but I can't be arsed to deal with it here except to say that next time you find yourself dealing with a surly vindictive British shop assistant remember that said shop assistant spends most of its working life dealing with surly vindictive customers. As will I bear this in mind when being driven up the wall by the attitude of our staff.


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