This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Friday, February 10, 2006

I did it again

A few days ago he brought back like the true hunter gatherer a bag full of beef steaks all.

Yesterday, for our evening meal we consumed between of us four of these mighty slabs of iron-rich red meat, along with a few vegetables and a tray of oven chips. Nutritious or what! Bear in mind that there are three of us and one is eight years old and that these four steaks were all of them adult portions.

The remainder were to be consumed tonight but I couldn't face another plate of red meat nor could I bring myself to inflict it on the offspring, so we had fish instead, and some salad greens and potato.

Now he's come in and spotted the remnants of the meal and asked, pointedly if we had the steak tonight. I had to say no (notice the difference, he'd have lied: it was off, or I forgot, or I didn't see it, or some such bullshit; see I can't come up with them even in anger).

Now he's pissed at me. It's that closed in pissed-ness, where he shrinks his mouth to a nasty little moue, as though what he really wants to do is rip and tear but see how heroic he is, and quiet and not saying anything ('witness my restraint'). Why oh why can't he just row like a normal, healthy human (meaning I'm not sure if he's normal, or healthy or even human)?

Not even a why, just a sulk.

Fucking creep.


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