This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

More evidence

More evidence if it be needed of the seemingly infinite capacity of homo sapiens sapiens for horrible behaviour in this, the response of Anonymous to an earlier post on the subject of Fathers 4 Justice and their National Lottery Draw escapade of some Saturdays ago:

The best interests of the children, and all concerned, would be if the UK's secret family courts were actually fair. I would have the hope of my child growing up in a society that I could believe was governed by fair and balanced forces.

Sadly, when I told my ex that she should not take the law into her own hands and break a contact order... firstly, she attempted to run me over with her car!

I reported this to the police - she is entitled to do so (their words and that of the judge). when my child arrived covered in huge bruises I called social services. Next thing it is I who is standing trial. I am told that (by the Judge) I was guilty BEFORE evidence was given. I was told that I had no human rights. The judge insisted that it was "absolutely impossible" for my ex to lie. The images of the bruising on my child. The judge threw those off the bench and called them irrelevant. The whole process has no official record. The Criminal Case Review Commission say I had more than a fair trial (there was no jury).

After conviction I was contacted by social services and warned NEVER to bring any accusations against my sons mother ever again.. quote or else unquote. That is not in the best interests of ANY child. Secret courts are dangerous, very dangerous. As a result, I am almost bankrupt, I have difficulty in finding work - because of the conviction. This is more than a raw deal - this is corruption of our justice system. Doubt me.. than wait until they bring this to the mainstream courts!

My comments, the ones that prompted this response, were intended as a personal reflection on their antics, rather than a judicious, objective and measured commentary on the delivery of justice in the area of Family Law in this country. If I were capable of writing pieces on matters of public policy that were judicious, objective and measured I’d not be in this sink-hole struggling to keep my head above water in practically every sense.

Since Anonymous has chosen to maintain his anonymity I cannot comment on his situation, except to say that as a woman I am in no doubt that the female of the species is at least as capable as the male of behaviour that is diabolical. I am sure there are men who have found themselves locked in marriages as bad as mine. I am sure there are people, both men and women, who’ve endured worse than me.

I am also ready to believe that the courts in this country routinely make mistakes and from time to time deliver judgements that are unbalanced and on occasion iniquitous.

I say this as someone who has seen her life slowly but inexorably consumed during the course of a fourteen year marriage by a party to it lacking understanding of the commitment it was undertaking or totally unwilling to meet that commitment, shirking responsibility at each and every turn; thieving, lying, manipulating and deceiving as necessary to obtain and preserve advantage.

This other party set itself to the task of weakening every other tie I possessed, undermining and destroying every other meaningful relationship I had so as to isolate me and render me vulnerable.

And I’m still not safe.

I feel genuine sympathy towards those parents who are on the wrong end of appalling ‘spousal’ behaviour – both generally and specifically in relation to children, or suffer erroneous or iniquitous judgements. The context for this is that I have yet to submit myself to the judgement of the family law court in this country. I suspect that as a foreigner my interests would best be served by a court system that delivers fair and balanced judgements. I’d be at the front line of those calling for an overhaul if an overhaul be required.

However, I reserve the right to express my fear that the decision will be other than in my favour and that of my child, however partial that fear may be. My fear isn’t reasoned or balanced or objective.

Now I've got that off my chest, as it were, I'm off to watch the episode of Lost which was screened tonight, though sadly it's the one where the story of second group of survivors is told in flashback so that's a big fat zero on the Sawyer Bare Chest count. There's always the DVD of Series 1 to curl up with later I suppose.


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