This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Can we do a swap, please

There is a curious symmetry in the current cabinets of the UK and Australia which sees the post of UK Secretary of State for Health occupied by the rather tedious, excessively earnest and possibly inept Patricia Hewitt (born Canberra, Australia) while the equivalent cabinet brief in the Australian government is held by Tony Abbott (born London, UK) who is, of course a complete fruit loop.

Strategies for health care funding, structural reform in the sector, training and development of practitioners, infrastructure and research are just some of the higher level preoccupations of Health Ministers all over the world. Its a big job and when it's done badly the consequences are painful. Literally.

So what's our Tony on about today:

The banning of bibles in Queensland and Victorian hospitals was political correctness gone crazy, Health Minister Tony Abbott says.

Almost all of Melbourne's main hospitals have withdrawn bibles because of the risk of them spreading germs.


Mr Abbott told parliament there were enough problems with state hospital administration without adding concern over bibles.

"I can inform the House that administrators in Victoria and in Queensland have just discovered a new priority - it's banning bibles," Mr Abbott said.


"This is not an infection control measure - it is a thought control measure."

"I say to public hospital administrations in these states 'Stop worrying about offending people. Start running public hospitals properly ..."

With all due respect Mr Abbott I suggest that you stop worrying yourself about the micromanagement of individual hospitals and go back to your day job of finding a way to provide safe, effective and affordable health care for all Australians.

Or give up your day job if it interferes with your self-appointment as the nation's Bible-Basher-in-Chief and take up a full time residency in a pulpit.


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