This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

So stupid of me

No sooner have I posted the previous piece than I've come over all bolshie and got very cross with myself. Why, I ask myself, don't I just go right ahead and post his name and the name of our town and go right on humiliating him, the way he apparently has been humiliating me. All that time I wondered if I would be the last person in town to find out who he was shagging, and I probably was.

What progress have we, women, made in the past forty years. I go out to work, put the roof over his head, the clothes on his back and the food on his table, but I'm the one pitied and laughed at because he's doing this behind my back. I'm the one who is in the wrong because I'm not enough to stop him from straying and he's the one who's only doing what comes naturally.

I'll tell you else something that's wound me right up today. After school we had to go down into town to see if we could pick up a suitable gift for a birthday party B is going to on Saturday. On the way back we happened to meet someone. He's about 75 (he and his wife had their 50th wedding anniversary in December) and for reasons I can't go into here (I have another blog dedicated to this couple and their doings) I've known them far better than I'd prefer for perhaps 12 months.

So we meet up in the street and we're having a chat about the single thing we have in common - I work in a charity (opportunity/thrift) shop on Fridays when someone else who knows this guy, another bloke not much younger, comes up and barges right into the conversation and this Old Fart actually turns his back on me - conversation over right there and then. This guy is the killer argument in any debate about the merits or otherwise of the entire Womens Lib movement. It was people precisely like him (think of the judge who demanded of the jury, in respect of Lady Chatterley's Lover, whether it was the sort of book they, the members wanted their wives and servants reading) who justified not only the aims but also the means. Actually, now I think about it, my mother's generation were way to subtle. Some of them should just have been taken out and stone.

Ok I try very hard not to hate me, but sometimes....

Now I'm feeling better ...

PS the answer to the question posed in the first para is, of course, my daughter who is only 8 and attends a local school. For her sake prevarication and obfuscation are not only worth it but essential.


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