This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


By 'eck, pet as they say oop north (on this side of the equator).

His latest wheeze is to go down the river on Friday and fish. Fish!

Not just fish, fish for Sea Bream. So that's the evening meal sorted then. Somehow I think not.

This is quite a turn up for the books, as it happens. I'm pretty certain that this is the first time he's evinced even the faintest interest in angling. And we've been married since October 1994 which is technically quite a long time and feels like eternity.

I haven't been fishing since perhaps 1982 or '83. About then I went fishing on Port Philip Bay with a friend on one of commercial 'angling for dummies boats' that run out each weekend. That 'fishing' involved dropping a well weighted line off the side of the boat, lowering it to the mud, waiting for the tug and hauling it in. So long as the fish was above the legal minimum length/weight you could keep it, or you could throw it back. Anyone with any sense would through the things back since Flathead don't in my opinion make great eating. Come to think of it they don't make great sport either.

Anyway from this you are meant to deduce that neither of us is an angling enthusiast, or even a rank amateur.

I just thought I'd mention that he's suggesting an expedition next Friday evening to the river mouth, where it empties into the North Sea. Just in case I should abruptly stop blogging and you get to wondering where I might have gone.


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