This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Why am I having such a bad day?

I'm going through another little 'doing my head in my head in' moment.

He's got no money left and we've another 6 days to get through before the next pay packet arrives. That's bad enough but his frustrations with his job are leading him ever closer to flying off the handle in a way that will see him being summarily dismissed.

That will leave us up THAT creek without a paddle.

To make it more complicated I suspect co-management of conspiring or at least taking advantage of his known fragility. Whether or not he ever did suffer a nervous breakdown, whether he made it all up and whether or not he was inadvertently actually telling the truth one individual just might actually be working on his vulnerability.

There's little point telling him to take a deep breath and find another job because (a) he never takes advice and (b) he doesn't want a job. What he wants is to win the lottery. A few million to tide him over until his mother dies. As long as she dies reasonably quickly he'd probably have enough left over to pay the inheritance tax bill and move into the awful house she lives in up in London (6 bedrooms over three floors, one bathroom without separate toilet, and a kitchen that measures about 10' x 5').

God help us if we ever do win the lottery. He'll want this, and he'll want that, and he'll want the other; and pretty soon we'll be a million times more miserable than we already are. At least being poor our miseries are manageably small.


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