This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

14 January 2006. Odd day

He left the house at 6:50 or thereabouts this morning, almost an hour after he was due to be on site. By that time I was up and at 'em. I'm beginning to get the hang of going to sleep sober. I dropped in on a friend in the morning after I'd persuaded the offspring to get out of bed, breakfasted and dressed.

We went off and met their father who then took them off for an outing: except he'd forgotten to take a change of clothes with him.

Frankly I was doubtful they'd get away and fully expected to find the house full of squalor when I got back from work.

We had 'em today; the grumpy middle aged women who think they can bring in something they may or may not have bought from us but which has turned out to be defective and exchange it, the managers who don't back up their staff when they say 'sorry, no receipt no replacement', the whinging staff who take umbrage at the slightest hint of something that might (or actually might not) be intended to be offensive, the sliders, skivers, habitual shop-lifters, howling infants, smelly geriatrics and graceless teenagers; the worst of the last mentioned being those employed to operate the tills.

Escaped at slightly after 6pm, managed to change and eat before they got home from the museum, fuelled up on burgers and fries. Now the house is silent: it's 9:40pm and I am the only person not in bed actually asleep.

In effect, apart from leaving the loo seat down first thing this morning, and leaving it un-flushed before he left the house for The Day Out, leaving the lunch dishes unwashed he hasn't really committed any outrages. There's always tomorrow.


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