This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Friday, September 15, 2006

That sound? It's me sniggering

Well I asked for it I suppose. I hit that damned Next Blog button again and I got this. I'm going to crawl off now and cry myself to sleep (with laughter that is).

It's either that or I beat my forehead to a pulp by driving it rythmically into something very, very hard and solid. Or perhaps the whole thing is a joke I'm not in on. Life's too short; I'm not going to try and work that out.

PS Toddman - in the oh, so appropriately named Painsville, OH; if you're out there and discover this link to your 'marriage saver' let me save you the trouble of abusing me by 'fessing up front that I'm a heathen (Greek Goddess, okay?), I'm a bit erratic in my leg-shaving habits and they might, from time to time be other than absolutely, entirely hairless, I didn't change my name when I married (more's the pity since the changing back obviously has some cathartic purpose) etc etc. In fact If I were a closer approximation of the woman I wish I were I would be your worst nightmare. Now get back to the woman you've got barefoot and metaphorically chained to the kitchen sink!


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