This Is My Affair

Because he's worth it ...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Good Lord! This time it is mighty Engerland

It's official. We are gobsmacked (to borrow a vulgarism from the man who handed the keys to Hong Kong to the perpetrators of Tienanmin Square) - with all due apologies for any and all typos.

We (and yes, that's the Royal One) have been finding out where some of the visitors have been calling from and I find that my latest wheeze - which is to say my speculation that Ecuador threw their last group game in order to ensure they'd face England in the first knock-out round - has garnered an audience. My speculations on the World Cup have been posted to a dedicated site. God knows what they make of the rest of the stuff I post.

My only gripe is that the important addendum to the effect that 'not only is your best eleven crap but your best ref is too' has been omitted.

Still, despite Graham Poll's best efforts we're still alive. By some miracle England are too. And Graham Poll's sequestered in a room on his own with a bottle of whiskey and a loaded pistol.

The Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys and the Clock Makers got through today, which I think now officially makes Australia not the FIFA Sponsored Official Easy Beats of the Round-of-16.

I described the confrontation with Croatia as intra-familial, which was a waste of a very useful expression as we go into a match against the Azzure. Thank goodness Greece (reigning Euro-dullards) aren't waiting for us down the line. My vocabulary's very limited you know.

That's not quite all, however...


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